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How To Know When Insurance Will Replace Your Roof

text: How To Know When Insurance Will Replace Your Roof

Assessing the damage to your roof accurately after a storm is crucial to getting a check from your insurance company. Here are points to remember when dealing with both your insurance agent and roofing contractor to know when insurance will pay for damage or a replacement.

Damage After a Storm

Before you can activate your homeowner’s insurance to pay for storm damage, you must assess the storm and the damage. How strong was the wind and what shape was your roof in prior to the storm? If you have an old roof falling apart from neglect and normal wear and tear, the warranty may not cover it. When leaks are a result of poor installation, the warranty should cover it.

Measuring the Damage

You must also consider how great the damage is, such as one small area versus broken shingles and leaks throughout the roof. Consider what the cost repairs will be and how it compares with your deductible. Ask yourself how much emergency funds you’ve set aside to pay for light repairs.

Knowing how the damage occurred, whether it was from rain, wind or a severe storm, is key to determining the type of compensation you’ll get from your insurance company. If the problem was due to poor installation then it’s a warranty – not an insurance – issue.

It’s best to work with experienced roofers who care about the preservation of your roof. You will get the best expertise from a local roofer who understands the climate and the region’s history. They will work closely with your insurance agent to provide information about material and labor costs. Make sure you are not working with a contractor who demands upfront payment.

Dealing With Insurance

Your trusted roofer should speak with your insurance company to discuss the damages after conducting a roof inspection and making an assessment. The roofer will likely be more thorough in describing the damages. You should be aware of your deductible before filing a claim.

If there is enough damage needing repair work you should file an insurance claim. You will need to meet with an adjuster from the insurance company who will also inspect your roof. They can then send you an assessment in a matter of days, along with an initial check. While each insurance company handles claims its own way, it’s still advantageous to allow an experienced roofer to discuss the repair work with the agency.

It’s important to know what a roof warranty covers so you know what to expect from storm damage. Warranties can be complex and may only cover materials and workmanship. Reach out to us at Echols Home Improvements for more information on storm damage and insurance claims.

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