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Why Echols Employees Don’t Guess On Your Roof Repair

text: Why Echols Employees Dont Guess On Your Roof

Roof repair is important to the integrity of your home. When you need repairs done, you want them done right so you don’t have to worry about leaks happening again. The problem is, many repairman take a look at the roof and make a guess at why the leak is happening. They then fix what they think is wrong, only to ignore the underlying reasons for the leak…which means it occurs again later on.

We Never Give Roofing Bids Based On Guesswork

At Echols Roofing & Home Improvements, things are done a bit differently. There’s no guesswork involved–ever. When inspectors are trying to determine if a leak is determined by damage, material failure, labor defects or other elements, they understand that not every possible avenue is visible. Guessing is the easier route, but it’s never the right route. At Echols, if the repairman can’t determine the exact cause of the leak, they cannot submit a bid to repair the roof.

We Will Respect Your Time & Money

There are two main reasons for this rule at Echols. First and foremost, it’s about you and it’s for your own good. We never want to guess at anything and be wrong later. That hurts your home, its integrity, and wastes your time and money. If we aren’t sure, we’ll even turn jobs down or never submit a bid in the first place. We don’t want to be wrong and hurt your home’s integrity. And second, it’s not good for us either. We rely on our reputation and if we guess and are wrong, that hurts the way you look at us. We want our customers to think only the best of the jobs we do. That’s why we never ever guess.

We Will Give You What You Need, Nothing More

If you have a leak in your roof, we’d love to have you call us. We won’t just take a quick look at the roof and make a guess based on what we see. We’ll make a deeper investigation of the materials from the top down and really figure out what’s going on. You can have confidence that when we bid on your job, we are giving you a final answer on the cause of your leak. The repair we do, subsequently, will be all you need to take care of the root of the issue both now and well into the future.

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