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How to Tell if Your Roofer Really Knows How to Listen

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When you’re looking for Atlanta roofers to repair or replace this critically-important structural component of your home, it’s essential to hire a contractor who really knows how to listen. If your needs and concerns aren’t being heard, you can end up paying for repairs that don’t completely solve the issues you’re experiencing, dissatisfied with the way your new roof turns out, or have problems getting warranty work done. Here are some signs to watch for that can indicate whether a roofer has good listening skills:

They Offer Multiple Contact Methods

Roofers who are responsive tend to offer their customers several ways to contact them, such as both landline and mobile phone numbers and an email address. Their phones generally don’t ring endlessly, but instead go to a voice mail system where you can leave a message. They’ll also want to keep the lines of communication open, so they’ll try to return your call or email within 24 hours if you leave a message.

They Ask to Visit and Discuss Your Needs Face to Face

If a roofer gives you a hasty estimate over the phone and tells you to call back if you want to schedule the job, it’s a big red flag that they’re not really interested in hearing what you have to say. A contractor who values communication will ask to see your home’s roof and have a sit-down discussion about your concerns, needs and expectations before giving you a quote.

They’re Friendly and Willing to Explain the Project Process

Roofers who make customer satisfaction a priority are personable, friendly and easy to talk to, and they’ll answer any questions you have in detail, using plain language that’s easy to understand. They’re also more than willing to explain the scope of the work that’s needed, how they plan complete the job and what you can expect from start to finish.

They Ask Questions And Pay Attention to Your Answers

A roofing contractor who intends to listen to and address your needs will ask you a number of questions to learn all they can about the specific problems you’re experiencing. A conscientious roofer wants to gather as much information as possible to make sure your roof repairs or installation is completed to a high standard and to your complete satisfaction.

Contact us today at Echols Roofing, if you’re looking for Atlanta roofers with exceptional listening and customer service skills.

Read: 3 Glaring Warning Signs that Your Roofer is Not On the Ball
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