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Choose the Best Windows for Your Atlanta Home

girl and dog look out a window

Two attributes of Atlanta’s climate — heat and humidity — can guide you in choosing the kind of window replacement Atlanta homes need. Both of these are measured by the National Weather Service (NWS). The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) also provides number-crunching services. Both these organizations can help guide you in purchasing exactly the right window replacement Atlanta homes call for, and that Echols Roofing, Inc. can install.


We all know Atlanta gets hot. How hot? Based on NWS data, the apparent temperature in Atlanta from 1978 to 2007 (30 years of number crunching!) felt like 95 degrees F or above an astounding 804 days out of 10,957, or seven percent of the time. Apparent temperature is a function of heat and humidity; the more humid the climate, the hotter you feel.

In those conditions, your Atlanta-area home bakes, and your central air conditioner has a hard time ridding your house of humidity. You feel hot, clammy and uncomfortable. Working with a local, dependable contractor like Echols Roofing, you can select windows that lock out the humid, hot outside air.


Indoor ideal humidity is between 30 and 50 percent. When Atlanta typically has 68 percent humidity every day, with levels as high as 82 percent in the morning, you escape indoors to avoid such conditions. You rely on HVAC systems to pull moisture from your air and push it back outdoors, in the form of condensate (liquid water).

By selecting suitable window replacement Atlanta buyers can also avoid condensation between window glazing panes. Once that water condenses on the inner layers of glass, it can be nearly impossible to get rid of.


The NFRC provides four metrics (measures) for rating windows, including any brand or quality level you select for your Atlanta-area home:
Air Leakage — Look for a low number, to tell you hot, humid outside air will not leak into your Atlanta-area home
Solar Heat Gain Coefficient — Look again for a low number, indicating outside heat cannot get in!
U-Factor — Look for a low number
Visible transmittance — Here, look for a high number for plenty of natural daylight

Echols Roofing, Inc. can guide you toward NFRC numbers ideally suited for the heat and humidity that shapes Atlanta. We can then expertly install replacement windows.

Please contact us today to learn more about the process of window replacement Atlanta customers enjoy from the professionals at Echols Roofing, Inc.

Read: 3 Tips to Make Window Replacement a Success
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