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6 Reasons Your Roof Will Surrender To A Sleazy Storm

6 Reasons Your Roof Will Surrender To A Sleazy Storm

As a homeowner in Atlanta, you know aggressive winds, rain, and hail are common occurrences in the area. Your roof is constantly battling with weather elements and storms which can cause severe damage. Read on to learn how a storm can affect your roofing system and how you can handle the situation.

1. Roof Blow-Off

During a severe weather event, such as a hurricane, thunderstorm, or tornado, high-velocity winds cause air pressure to shift, creating a suction pulling from above the roof or a push from inside the house. This tug of war can tear off a section of the roof or in an extreme scenario, the entire roof can be blown off. While there have been cases where the wind temporarily lifts the roofing and then drops in right back onto the house, most cases involve the roof being deposited nearby, potentially damaging landscaping, vehicles, and the roofing material itself.

2. Wind Damage

Even without hail, rain, or other harmful weather, a storm can wreak havoc on your roof. High winds can create stress points on a roof, which will weaken and become compromised over time. Despite most roofs being designed to withstand typical wind loads, they can take a beating during high winds.

Strong winds hit the roof unevenly across the surface. The edges, the corners, and the ridgeline are especially susceptible to wind damage. The wind can get under a corner and curl up a section of the roof, loosens the nails, and lift the roof upwards. This can leave your roof exposed to water damage.

Also, strong winds can blow debris around and cause limbs and trees to fall on your roof. The debris blown around by the wind can puncture your roof and be more damaging to your roof than the wind itself.

3. Roof Deck Exposed

The roof deck is the base of your roof and one of your home’s key shields of protection from rain and high winds. Most decking is made from plywood and acts as the foundation of your roof and supports the weight of other layers of your roof.

The loss of shingles and underlayment can make your roof decking susceptible to water infiltration. This can cause the wood to bend and rot and may put your whole roof at risk of collapse.

4. Water Penetrating the Inside of Your Home

Heavy and consistent rain and hail storms can expose your home to long-term water damage. Water can penetrate the inside of your home as a result of wear and tear or a broken tree branch shattering a section of your roof during a storm.

It’s not always easy to see if your roof has been damaged, but a leak in your roofing system can become an issue in the living spaces below. Common risks associated with a leaky roof include mold growth, structural damages, interior damages, higher bills, and fire hazards.

5. Interior Damage is Happening

The most obvious consequence of a compromised roofing system is when you see water inside your home. Damaged ceilings, peeling paint, and buckled wall coverings are all signs you have a roof issue. Severe storm damage can also lead to wood deterioration and weakened roof framing.

6. Insulation Getting Wet

Insulation products should remain dry at all times. Insulation uses air pockets between the fibers to trap heat. When water gets into the air pockets, it reduces the effectiveness of the insulation to trap the heat flow between inside and outside. And because water is a good heat conductor, it will push heat out of your home when it presses up against the insulation.

Water trapped in insulation batts can also cause a leak onto your plasterboard, corrosion of metal cladding, or unseen mold growth. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to get the insulation assessed after your roof is impacted by a weather event.

What to Do if Your Roof Has Been Damaged in a Storm

When a storm becomes strong enough, it’s important to have a plan to keep you and your family safe. Have a storm readiness kit and be ready to leave on short notice if your home becomes inhabitable. If you have roof damage, consider getting it fixed immediately. Contact an expert roofer to carry out an inspection, identify damages, and give you a quote. Then contact your insurance provider to inform them about the damage and file a claim.

General maintenance isn’t an emergency. Have your roof inspected regularly to ensure it will stand up to minor storms. For professional roof inspection, maintenance and repair, get in touch with Echols Home Improvements. Our skilled roofers provide complete roofing services for all types of roofs. Connect with us to discuss your needs or schedule superior roofing services in Atlanta, GA.

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